Urban Gridded Dogtag Jewelry featuring your favorite cities by Aminimal Studio.

Urban Gridded Dogtag Jewelry featuring your favorite cities by Aminimal Studio.

Interactive showroom for Orona IDeO Innovation City, in Hernani, Spain.

Interactive showroom for Orona IDeO Innovation City, in Hernani, Spain.

As if Carli Davidson's photo series Shake of dogs shaking themselves off wasn't adorable enough, the photographer's new series Shake Puppies features pups  mid-shake.

As if Carli Davidson's photo series Shake of dogs shaking themselves off wasn't adorable enough, the photographer's new series Shake Puppies features pups mid-shake.

Berlin-based art collective Numen / For Use employed 44kms of scotch in their latest installation Tape Paris at Palais de Tokyo in Paris.

Berlin-based art collective Numen / For Use employed 44kms of scotch in their latest installation Tape Paris at Palais de Tokyo in Paris.

Bleebla adds a new 'Animal Box' to their collection based on the Sea theme - more 10 sycamore wood animals and an agglomerated cork puzzle-box to play with.

Bleebla adds a new 'Animal Box' to their collection based on the Sea theme - more 10 sycamore wood animals and an agglomerated cork puzzle-box to play with.

Nikari collabored with 4 designers in Milano for the lamp MILANO...

Nikari collabored with 4 designers in Milano for the lamp MILANO...

Type company Monotype release a new reimagined magazine – The Recorder.

Type company Monotype release a new reimagined magazine – The Recorder.

Hagakure by Bertrand Besnard, means Hidden Leaves, name of The Book of The Samurai, the spiritual guide of Ghost Dog, contract killer living among pigeons on New York buildings in Jim Jarmusch’s movie.

Hagakure by Bertrand Besnard, means Hidden Leaves, name of The Book of The Samurai, the spiritual guide of Ghost Dog, contract killer living among pigeons on New York buildings in Jim Jarmusch’s movie.

IKEA Bekant desk range is replacing the Galant system and includes an electronic Sit/Stand base with buttons to adjust the height.

IKEA Bekant desk range is replacing the Galant system and includes an electronic Sit/Stand base with buttons to adjust the height.

Ars Technica "The ugly afterlife of crowdfunding projects that never ship and never end: Even projects crowdfunded to excess enter tense, never-ending development hell." A nice reminder that Crowdfunding is not the same as buying something...

Ars Technica "The ugly afterlife of crowdfunding projects that never ship and never end: Even projects crowdfunded to excess enter tense, never-ending development hell." A nice reminder that Crowdfunding is not the same as buying something...

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