Toy Art Gallery presents “ARThropod Brain” by Tokyoplastic and Emilio Garcia, new work inspired by electron microscope images, macro photography and the often mind boggling weirdness of the insect world. Opening tomorrow!

Toy Art Gallery presents “ARThropod Brain” by Tokyoplastic and Emilio Garcia, new work inspired by electron microscope images, macro photography and the often mind boggling weirdness of the insect world. Opening tomorrow!

Tokyo Plastic render doodles of possible sex toy characters

Tokyo Plastic render doodles of possible sex toy characters

The full animation created by Tokyoplastic for the Nike Cortez Pack. Very impressive animation work!

The full animation created by Tokyoplastic for the Nike Cortez Pack. Very impressive animation work!

A short film called "The Praying Machine" by tokyo plastic. I love their animated stuff!

A short film called "The Praying Machine" by tokyo plastic. I love their animated stuff!

Full coverage of the Pictoplasma Festival in New York, including photos from Friends with You, Tim Biskup, Tokyoplastic, Fons Schiedon, and more...

Full coverage of the Pictoplasma Festival in New York, including photos from Friends with You, Tim Biskup, Tokyoplastic, Fons Schiedon, and more...

Toyoplastic's very limited prerelease of their Black Koguma figure from MPH Labs will be available at Comic-con

Toyoplastic's very limited prerelease of their Black Koguma figure from MPH Labs will be available at Comic-con

Another brilliant ad spot from Tokyoplastic for yaris

Another brilliant ad spot from Tokyoplastic for yaris

TokyoPlastic's latest for Zune ~ CPLuv calls it beautiful ~ which it is ~ but does no one else think its a bit on the phallic side? and whats up with the butt clenching? music by gotan project

TokyoPlastic's latest for Zune ~ CPLuv calls it beautiful ~ which it is ~ but does no one else think its a bit on the phallic side? and whats up with the butt clenching? music by gotan project

TokyoPlastic's Drum Machine is a brilliant piece of flash animation [Editor's Note: it's an oldie, but a classic, for anyone unfamiliar, check out their newer pieces as well!]

TokyoPlastic's Drum Machine is a brilliant piece of flash animation [Editor's Note: it's an oldie, but a classic, for anyone unfamiliar, check out their newer pieces as well!]

Tokyoplastic - This web page has mind blowing animation.  Just enter the site and play around.  Everything makes a sound or does something cool.

Tokyoplastic - This web page has mind blowing animation. Just enter the site and play around. Everything makes a sound or does something cool.

This is the inspiration wall of NOTlabs, est. 2005. 
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